Bringing wellness to the workplace isn’t just about having a gym in the building, or offering yoga or meditation classes at lunchtime.
Wellness in the workplace means having sane schedules that don’t squeeze every ounce of energy from a person.
It means having a meaningful mission and creating a non-competitive atmosphere of interest in fulfilling the goals of the company.
It means leading the people who do the work to become a supportive team that helps one another with a willingness to understand or, at least, appreciate another’s point of view.
Wellness in the workplace includes managers who use the best of an employee’s skills, providing opportunity to develop strength where they are weak and wisely utilizing their existing strengths.
It’s about working in a healthy physical environment :
- Using non toxic, biodegradable cleaning chemicals
- Abolishing strong, synthetic air fresheners
- Providing clean air, natural light, or simulated natural light if need be
- Having a quiet space in which to concentrate
- Carefully designing workspace that’s well organized and not cluttered
- Relegating the use of personal technology to break times away from the workspace
- Providing a clean, comfortable rest area
- Providing access to healthy snacks and beverages
Building and running a strong, profitable business that does meaningful work in the world can happen only when business brings wellness and humanity to the workplace.
Most of us want to get to the end of the day knowing we did our best and brought value to someone’s life.
Otherwise, what are we doing it all for?