Here we all are in an experience none of us has known before. It’s a frightening time, fraught with anxiety, and the path ahead is entirely uncertain. Yet, I feel a bubbling excitement.
I’ve been thinking about the thousands of people I’ve worked with throughout my journey as a healing bodyworker: some truly remarkable in their capacity to embrace life, resolve issues and be the better for them. How much I’ve learned with you all, and healed myself too in those deep connections.
Now, Nature has presented the virus Covid-19 that currently threatens our health, disrupting our whole way of life. But, we can take heart in knowing that how we respond to this challenge is the key to how we recover and change our lives for the better. We can choose how to respond.
Our world systems of politics, education, medicine, finances have not well-served the general population for decades. They’ve all been breaking down, no longer meeting our changing needs and we’ve not quite known how to ‘fix’ them. Many visionaries in various sciences and disciplines have forewarned of a coming time of major disruption and crumbling of our old ways of approaching life. That time is now.
Alongside the many areas of strife in the world, there have always been pockets and groups of people raising awareness of the underlying dynamic currents that are the influencers of our lives, decisions and actions.
These currents of energy are invisible and intangible but refined scientific measurements can now show they exist. The good news is we can sense them and use or change them for our benefit, if we practice.
How do we do that? Well, it starts with a timeout, whether that be minutes, hours, days in or this case, weeks: time to reflect, to meditate, to clarify what’s important and what is real; time to question our programmed behaviour we’ve not noticed before. Time to hone in on what we really want for our lives.
We have to know what we want. We don’t move into a new home across town or country, or build a business, or cook a delicious meal without having an idea, a vision, as well as the resources within ourselves, to do these things. They don’t just magically happen.
As in those situations, there’s work for us to do, like developing mindfulness. This means experiencing the present moment in its fullness. The present is where your truth is found. This is where you learn to recognize the messages your body whispers to guide you as you strive to make a decision, start something new, change direction.
It’s not easy. I’ve been walking this path since I woke up to it in my mid-20s. There was not a lot of support for this kind of introspective examination back then. But all that has changed over the past 40 years. Today, the support all over the world is tremendous.
The intensity of our pain will match the degree to which we resist the truth of a change.
Everyday conversations are using words like energy, soul, inspiration, intuition. I’m no longer considered a weirdo. You won’t be either. Indeed, as you begin a conversation about these things with someone you think could be closed to them, you might be surprised to learn that person has been practicing or wondering about them for a while.
Yes, we are in the midst of a frightening, yet exciting time of opportunity for massive change. But massive change doesn’t come without painful moments. Everybody wants the change and nobody wants the pain. However, nothing new comes without disintegration of the old. Between the two is chaos before a new order can develop. It is unavoidable. This is the natural process. The intensity of our pain will match the degree to which we resist the truth of a change.
Like moving house, everything has to be dismantled, moved and then reconstructed in a new configuration and place. The disassembling process reveals to us the things we have that are precious to us, that we definitely want to keep, and the things no longer fitting that we can let go. And then we find new things to complete the project.
The whole exercise is Disruption, Chaos and Regeneration.
So, now, with the extensive disruption of Covid-19, how do we survive the coming chaos and regenerate well on the other side of it?
- By knowing clearly what we want to create anew.
- By being aware and honoring the truth of what is actually going on rather than holding on to the story of what we wish were true or ought to be.
- By not trying to manipulate in fear of lack or loss.
- By holding our faith in ourselves and each other.
- By believing in our vision
This timeout is a call for the whole world to slow down and recognize what is really important for life. We are such gifted beings of amazing abilities and limitless minds. With all the power we have, our fate is in our own hands. So what are my hands reaching for during this unscheduled timeout to benefit us as we fully enter the chaos?
I’m focusing on things I’ve had in mind for ages and didn’t have time for. I’m:
- developing a one-day body-mind workshop for self-care to be ready when we all can come back together.
- catching up with and improving a lot of back-room systems and administration.
- studying and practicing new skills.
- making plans to enhance the value of my sessions with clients.
You are all very much on my mind as I strive to offer what I can to enrich our lives and communities. We all have talents, skills and a gift for creating. Sometimes we just need a nudge to use them, and I have faith in our collective heart and humanity. We can create a co-operative, caring world.
The excitement that’s bubbling throughout this disquieting time? It’s knowing that the gift of a problem is what we become in resolving it.